healthy diet breakfast menu

How to make your diet ideal for healthy body

You are what you eat. In America, today, the rate of junk food consumption is slightly proportional to cases of obese. 40 % of Americans consume fast foods daily, according to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). In the same country, 33% of adults are obese. The trend is worrying.

To maintain a healthy body, you must know how to balance your diet. Some food that you eat are destroying your body gradually. Next, is an insight into the eating habits ideal for a healthy body.


Water helps in keeping the body hydrated. Water also helps in the removal of toxic body waste; it is advisable to take at least eight glasses of water a day. Inadequate water intake can lead to headaches, dizziness, low blood pressure and overall body weakness. Long term impacts of dehydration include seizures and kidney stones. To maintain your supply of water wherever you go, carry a water bottle with you. Considering it could be hot or cold, use one that will help preserve temperatures of water. Some vacuum insulated water bottles work really well and are cool to carry.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

As the adage goes, a fruit a day keeps the doctor away. Vegetables and fruits are vital in a healthy diet. Nutrients and mineral contents are varying per type of fruit. It is therefore advisable to consume all kinds of fruits. Fruits rich in potassium like bananas help in lowering blood pressure. If you want to maintain or reduce your body weight, consume more fruits and vegetables. Many diseases and health problems are put under control if fruits intake is regular.

A High Fibre Diet

At one point in your life, you had constipation, when you went to the doctor; he recommended you increase your intake of fibre food. True? Fibre foods are not digested in the small intestine but in the colon. Fibre may be soluble or insoluble. Insoluble fibre rich foods like whole grains and nuts absorb water and counteract symptoms of constipation. Easy removal of fecal matter from the system helps in preventing intestinal bacterial infections, bowel and colon cancer.

Fiber foods take longer to be digested thus help in weight loss. A fiber-rich menu also helps reduce cholesterol absorption rates. They also produce bacteria vital for colon health and reduce the effects of diabetes in diabetic patients.

Fiber-rich foods are whole grains, nuts, legumes, broccoli and fruits like oranges and watermelons.

Decrease Intake of Sugar

You likely take more sugar in your diet than you are aware. Apart from the sugar we use in beverages like tea and coffee, high contents of sugar are also present in our favorite snacks and juices. Sodas also contain a lot of sugar.

Intake of sugar is harmful to your health. Main sugar negatives include an increase in weight: It contains high levels of calories. If you take a lot of sugar, your energy consumption levels must also be high, i.e., the activities you do must be intense to absorb the energy, or you must exercise a lot to counter weight gain.

Diseases associated with sugar are; heart disease, stroke, diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

Another important reason, you should deviate from sugar intake, especially men, is it affects sexual performance. Its impact on the heart affects blood circulation to sexual organs.

Low Sodium Diets

Sodium is a vital mineral in our bodies. It helps regulate body fluids and maintain blood pressure. Essential sources of sodium are eggs, fresh beef, dried legumes, and fresh vegetables. Another important source of sodium is table salt you use in food preservation and flavoring.

Sodium if taken in excess can lead to heart attacks and diseases, kidney failure and Oedema.

It is advisable to self cook meals and also shun canned foods because they are likely to contain high amounts of sodium.

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